Jumat, 19 September 2008

giving yOu Up

aku nyerah aja
sama kekerasan hatimu
sama kekeras kepalaanmu
sama kebohonganmu
sama harapan kosongmu
sama semuanya
sama nature-mu
yang menunjukkan bahwa kau bisa tanpa siapapun

bahkan aku

aku nyerah aja
sama kekerasan hatiku
sama kekeras kepalaanku
sama kepercayaanku padamu
sama kebodohanku yg percaya padamu
sama semuanya
aku gak bisa tanpamu
tapi lebih ga bisa bersamamu yang bisa tanpaku

what hurt me the most is
why those words of love and lies
escape as easy from yr lips.


uh no
i'm gunna cry for more

must end this soap opera

better turn on the music channel

oh my favorite song!
oh my friend calls
oh yes. i have friends,
i earn money,
i can spend it!
i can write,
i have to fight for my dream!

yeah. things i forgot when i'm busy asking
whether you're in to me or not.

mumble jumble

ho ho ho

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